Wednesday, June 27, 2012


While Jim and Krissa were in town we went to Lagoon for a fun family day trip. We watched goofy movie in the giant van on the way there. Shirley packed awesome lunches to eat at Lagoon-A- Beach. We forced Krissa and Aleia to go on Wicked and they ended up loving it. Greg looked like he might puke at any moment, due to poor choices the previous night. Larry had several ice cream cones and icees. I got my corn on the cob! Kailynn definitely won the contest for being the most soaked after the Rattlesnake Rapids. Derek won Tundra a blue Jazz bear with his exceptional basket ball skills. Those prizes used to go to me, by the way! K, I'm over it. Look at the cute matching Tie Dye girls! I wish we were all matching! 

Riding the very slow Choo Choo. I was surprised by all the cool animals though. White tigers, panthers, and lions!

That's my body on Derek's shirt. I ran through the fountain with Shara and then jumped on Derek. He he.

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