Wednesday, March 30, 2011

In Remembrance

It's a hard time when you realize that all of your childhood pets are no longer beside you. I guess I'm just at that age, but it's still hard to deal with the fact that they just don't live as long as we do. The thing I keep telling myself, and my dad, is that it was their time. And it really was. All three of these family members certainly lived long happy lives.

This song puts everything into perspective

Charity Smith is our most recent loss. She was my dad's partner in life, and second favorite daughter. We got her about ten years ago, from this neighborhood that found her wounded on the side of the road. She had been hit by a car and broke her leg, so the entire neighborhood pithced in to fix it. Hence the name Charity. She went through her stages of chewing on extension cords and barking all hours of the night, but the truth is... we couldn't have asked for a better addition to the family.

Coco was my first baby. My dad took me to the animal shelter on my twelfth birthday, and let me pick out a pet. I chose Coco because she was so beautiful. I know, I was kind of a weird kid. Who doesn't pick a kitten? She was a bit of a chicken at first but when we were alone she was always out doing something annoying. She used to sit directly on top of my pictures while I was scrap booking, even though the rest of the room was wide open. And at night she would sleep right on my head no matter how many times I would push her to the foot of the bed. My mom took care of her the last few years while I was in Utah. She loved my mom! The second my mom would sit on the couch, Coco was right on her chest staring at her. I miss her cute face.

Kira was the Jensen family kitty. They got her and her brother Mojo as kittens when Derek was about 11. Mojo was involved in a tragic accident but Kira quickly became part of the family. She was a very petite cat, (I think Coco could of eaten her) but she rocked at hunting birds and mice. The funniest thing about her was that she drooled just like a dog. Derek would hold her like a baby and she would rub her face on his ear. It was the cutest thing, except that Derek was kind of allergic, and would break out. Everyone loved sleeping with her cause she was such a good cuddler, but I was a little paranoid after this one incident. She was sleeping right next to me one night and she just bit my nose. Of course, I wake up and she is right in my face just staring at me. Never been more creeped out by an animal. Pretty funny. We'll just say she was dreaming.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Hare Krishna

Derek and I have been trying to go to this for a couple years now and something just always got in the way. But not this time!

It's called the Holi- Festival of Colors, and they do it every year at the Lotus Temple in Spanish Fork. The Temple is amazing, makes me want to visit India so bad. We had lots of yummy indian food and mango drinks. You can enter the temple, after taking off your shoes, and listen to the band sing the Hare Krishna Mantra. The best part is the burning of the witch and the throwing of the colors. We didn't have chalk to throw this time cause they ran out but it was still awesome.

On our way in people were just throwing chalk in our faces. Derek got it first and of course I had to make fun of him, which is what I'm doing here. About two seconds later I heard someone say "Get that girl!" and I got mine.

We met up with a friend of mine from work, Paris, and her family. This is her little girl throwing chalk on Derek's face...

And this is her adding green to our collection of colors.

Burning of the witch,which is a long standing tradition in India started by the story of Holika and Prahlad. It is celebrated to mark the burning of the evil Holika and to honor Radha and Krishna.

Everyone throws their chalk at the same time and it creates this beautiful cloud of colors.
Next year we will get our own chalk, and Derek will look much worse than this.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Together Again

This being the first time that all of us have been together for a holiday in over 9 years, I find it worthy of a blog entry, regardless of the fact that it is about three months after the fact.

Christmas, this past year, was one of the most extraordinary. Usually I have to choose whether to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas with my family, but this time I got to come down for both. Even better than this, is the fact that I got to bring my husband with me, who has never spent the holidays with my family. The best part about all of this is that the entire family came up to my mom's house this year. Usually Jess will spend most of the time at her dad's house, and I end up missing her but this time she came, and brought her hubby.

The most exciting thing about this Christmas was that my brother Noah, who I have not spent time with in a really long time, came up for the whole day. We all walked around Idywild and hung out at my mom's house eating homemade chili.

Another special addition to this holiday season was my little nephew, Tyler. He was here last year but much more fun and active this time.

Derek being there made everything so much more special for me. He got to meet Noah, and spend time with Tyler and Jess. It almost felt like somehow adding Derek to the family made everything else come together. But im sure it was just the timing, and im being super cheesy.

These three are so cute together. It's adorable!

Men and their chili.

Bear is such a big softy. He likes playing with Tyler more then anyone.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ryan Gosling-- You Always Hurt the One You Love

Love love love this song. Wish there was a longer version

Monday, March 21, 2011

Will we ever meet again??

Dear Hope,
I have been thinking about you a lot lately, with the weather warming up. I find myself wondering if i will ever get to drive you again. It has been so long since i've seen you. I know my dad visited you a few weeks ago and he says you're running great. That is good to hear. Now drive yourself down here so you can meet the new addition to our family. He is very cute and really wants to meet you. I've told him about all the fun times we've had together.

Like that time you ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere because your gauge was broken, and the time you decided to lock yourself from the inside making me crawl in from the passenger side... Everyday! Oh, and the very first time i drove you to school and we picked up Tasha cause we thought we were so cool, then i stalled you the whole way there. I think my favorite one is when we were trying to leave Garrett's house in Utah and you wouldn't start, so Garrett pushed and I popped you out in second gear. Then while we were driving back i had to roll the window down in below freezing weather to wipe your windseild because you were fogging up so bad. And just when i thought things couldn't get worse we got pulled over for having a headlight out and the friendly cop followed us all the way home. What a night!

You look so cold!

It looks like you're out of gas... but you're not. Good thing i know how to use the sunlight to check the gas.

I haven't even seen you with your new paint job yet. Dad promised its green and white, not pink and blue like it looks. He blames the sunset.

Drawing by Natasha Gustin (My talent little sister)

We will meet again someday Hope.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Not the Happiest Day

Looks as though Santa Barbara was not ready to take on such an awesome couple as Derek and I. We are pretty bummed about this, but we're trying our hardest to look at the positives.
Now we get to go to the UofU and live in Salt Lake City. We love Salt Lake! Plus, this will give us a few more years to hang out with our friends that live here, and it might also make it easier for me to be a flight attendant! Yea!

We need to remember that where you live is not as important as who you are with when you're there. Home is wherever I'm with you! (Derek)

Thanksgiving Point

At the moment, I work at this awesome event center called Thanksgiving Point. It is a non-profit organization with a Dinosaur Museum, a Farm, a Movie Theater, a Golf Course, and the most beautiful Gardens and Waterfall.
Today I was reminded how truly lucky I am to work for a company with such a great purpose. I really love working for them, and I honestly feel that they make a huge difference in peoples lives. The cool think about Thanksgiving Point is that its not only a fun place to come for entertainment and shopping, but its mostly a learning experience for everyone. Everything fun is also teaching you something. I think that they should become a chain.
They are in the process of building this new exhibit called the Museum of Natural Curiosity. It's going to be so awesome! I am way excited. It's supposed to have three main areas: The Rainforest - where people can climb and explore while learning all the different aspects of a real rainforest. Waterworks - where people can play and get soaked while learning all about weather. Kidopolis - this will be like a miniature town where kids can explore several different careers and learn about the real world.

So many fun Events....

Ya Ya Sisterhood Party

The reenactment of the First Thanksgiving Feast

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

We went during the Tulip Festival

Worlds largest man-made Waterfall

These are just a few of things that Derek and I have gone too. There is always something fun going on at Thanksgiving Point.

Carpe Diem!

Here it is... the list of things that will make my life feel more lived. I've been thinking about writing a bucket list for sometime now but I just never got around to it. There is one thing that concerns me about having a bucket list though. It seems as though you can never finish writing it. The second I think that I am finished I just think of something else to write down. So instead of aiming to do all of these things before I kick the bucket, I am aiming to do them before I feel old. That way, when I'm old I can do all of the things that I planned on adding to the list.

The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of

Get my Parents out of the Country
Visit the Taj Mahal
Speak fluent French
Humanitarian Project
Own a Parrot
Adopt a Third World Child
Masquerade Ball

Visit India

Learn Photography - Got a fancy camera!
Go to Ringling Bros B&B Circus - Went to one ring. Disappointment.
Own a Sting Ray
Feel like a Real Hippy for a Day or two
(Maybe Burning Man)
Be an Animal Trainer
Ride an Elephant
Certified Scuba Diver -
Done! Anniversary gift from Der!
See Carly Simon in concert
10 References on Couch Surfers - Done! -13
Be a Flight Attendant
Visit a bar in a Baobab Tree 
Visit Spain - Done
Sky Diving - Done! Moab, Canyonlands with Der and Kris
Go to Coachella
Visit 30 different Countries - 13 (United States, Brazil, Peru, Belize, Spain, Guatemala, Switzerland, England, Italy, France, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Mexico)
Learn an Instrument
Go to Universal Studios

Learn to Change a Tire
Skinny Dip - Done! B-day Boating
Own a Saint Bernard
Go to ElectricDaisyCarnival

One Night Stand
Horseback Ride on the Beach
Go Cave Diving
Ride a CAMEL in a Middle Eastern Country
Do something that scares you
Take a First Class flight
Read a few Great-American Novels
Develop "your" Signature Dish 
Be an Event Planner - Almost there! Executive Meeting Manager, Marriott
    Visit all 7 Continents3 (Europe, North America, South America)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Les Bons Moments

I made these slideshows for my parents last Christmas. Just thought it would be fun to share, since a lot of other family members are in them.

Definetly wishing i knew more about making videos. They can be so cool when you actually know what you are doing.

Have you ever seen anything more cute?

There is this movie called the Royal Tenenbaums. Its one of those quirky Wes Anderson films that Derek just can't get enough of. Well in the movie Ben Stiller's son has a Beagle and its the sweetest looking pup. Ever since Iwatched that movie Ihave been obsessed with this type of beagle. Its called a White and Lemon Beagle. Look at his cute lil pink nose.
I will have this puppy someday.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

To Duck or Not to Duck

Its almost that time of year again and the pet stores are adding their Easter Collection. For those of you who don't know, Derek loves ducks! He sees them as walking boats, which obviously fascinates him. So in April of last year i bought us two little ducks.

Marlon and Stella

Yes, they are incredibly adorable, but don't be fooled. They are very messy, stinky and noisy. Regardless of these terrible farm animal traits, they were the best pets ever and they would follow us all around the yard. It was the cutest thing.

These two little stinkers road tripped with Remmy (my old car) and I all the way to California. I tought them how to swim in my moms pool, watched their little fuzzies turn into white fluffy feathers, and heard their peeps turn into quacks.

If it were'nt for the tragic way in which we lost Marlon and Stella, I might be tempted to get more duckies this year. But i think the better decision would be to wait until Derek gets me that pond he promised.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

UCSB vs U of U

Its finally here... Derek is about to graduate. Acheiving the impossible for many (us math haters), a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Math. We are so proud. But as we never suspect... the second a difficult thing has ended we are faced with another equally challenging task.

Where to go to grad school??

Which will possibly be where we will be spending the next 3-5 years of our lives.

Our choices:

The University of Utah, which he has already been accepted to
University of Santa Barbara California, which we are anxiously awaiting reply

As my dad will remember, Santa Barbara is the only place i wanted to go to college. That is right up until a couple months before high school graduation, when i realized that it was much less scary to go with a friend to school. And that is how i ended up in Utah with Natasha.

Needless to say.... we are really hoping for a positive answer from UCSB. We would love to experience life somewhere besides Utah for a while. Plus we would be able to visit my family for a change.