Thursday, September 19, 2013


Thanks to this super fun, and generous bestie, 
double fisting it below...
I was able to see MUSE at the Energy Solutions Arena!
Ames had an extra ticket
so she invited me and then refused to let me pay her anything!
I just love her. 

Not really double fisting it.... just holding for others. Ha! It was a weeknight ;)
But I HAD to post this because it may be the only evidence of my chipped tooth!
I just look like the biggest Redneck Idiot in this photo. 

Pretty cool shot from the stairs above
we were down in the crowd. 

The opening band for Muse
was called 
Cage the Elephant 

They are really good!
but a little crazy, insane.
As you can see, he ripped his shirt off 
and crowd surfed. 

Here is one of their popular songs...

Now for the moment we've all been waiting for....

The truth is...
I have never been a Muse fan. 
I actually couldn't have told you what songs 
were theirs before this show. 

I have also never been so completely blown away 
and surprised by a show before. 
It was one of the most entertaining, and exciting concerts I have ever been to!
It was a non-stop color, picture, light show
Hence, the abundance of photos that follow. 
I couldn't cut any of them. 
Way too cool!

Millions of little tv's that are constantly changing. 
Lazer, light beams shooting everywhere!

Below is one of my favorite photos of the night
This is the audience holding all of their phones out. 
I have never seen anything like it. 
So beautiful!

Best show I never planned to go to!! 
Thanks Ames!

Lets end with some vintage Muse....

Supermassive Black Hole - 2006


  1. This was by far one of my favorite shows. I'm fairly certain that it was the company that I was in that made it so great. :) Thanks for coming with!!!

  2. Aww.. Thanks Ame! Of Course! :)
