Being one block from Liberty Park,
Derek and I have had this goal to actually spend a few hours
exploring the Tracy Aviary.
Instead of just peeking through the fence
at the bright Flamingos.
Well, we can finally cross it off of last,
last year’s bucket list!
Poor tundra had to sit this one out..
but being completely honest,
it was actually quite nice for once,
to be free of him while at a park.
Never happens...
But luckily,
I replaced the Tundranator with this adorable dude
called the Bufflehead.
I did not want to leave him!

The Tracy Aviary is a pretty neat place.
We saw many, many swans,
and one lonely,
wandering Peacock.
Derek became obsessed with Eagles,
And I will forever have nightmares
about the largest, most disgusting King Vulture.
(no picture, it was too scary)

We could not stop staring at the rare Southern
Ground Hornbills.
They were sort of scary looking until you get close
and see these long, gorgeous eyelashes.
So cute!!
Derek and I both fell in love with the Owls.
Some so tiny,
some sort of creepy.
Some made us laugh and others made us sad.
My favorite was this little, old man..
weeping behind his chain link home, pretending to know something that I don't
with his deep-rooted, dimming eyes.
...Or maybe he was just pissed off because we interrupted his
afternoon nap.
We also got to watch them feed the ducks and swans.
Talk about a frenzy.
Swans are MEAN.
Who knew that birds could be so interesting....
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