Thursday, September 20, 2012

Congratulations!! From Katie Wentz

Last Tuesday I had to suffer through my sad last day at good ol' Thanksgiving Point. Of course there are always plenty of reasons for why you need to leave a job for another, but you never really realize how much you love the things you will miss from there. I spent a good 2 and half years at Tpoint, and as happy as I was to find the great job I just started, I was equally as sad to leave my home away from home.
I will miss all of the unique and adorable girls I got to know so well. So many hilarious, sad, happy, angry, unbelievable, stories will be forever engrained in my mind. I will miss the endless fudge and kookaburra that I so often gained a stomach ache from. I will miss the millions of ridiculous calls that Kate, Katie and I would vent about for hours. I will miss being up to date on all the newest, and most adorable clothing items, jewelry, knick knacks, and holiday rubbish displayed in the fabulous Emporium. I will miss so many yummy menu items from the deli. I will miss knowing about all the coolest events, and getting discounts to bring the whole family. Last but not least, I will miss working with one of the most awesome and unique humans I've ever met, Miss Katie Esther Pilkington Wentz. Katie made every day fun and exciting because you just never knew when she was going to bust out laughing like a crazy person, tell you some ridiculous story about her hilarious family, or drop a giant bag of delicious popcorn on your desk.

The morning of my last day I caught her decorating my desk with these hilarious cards that she loves, and little Congratulations confetti. She also gave me a huge going away gift full of my favorite things.

Kate, Katie and I have these ridiculously long conversations about our obsession with popcorn in all forms. Katie and I have a serious addiction to kookaburra.  I talk about Tundra incesently (hence the doggy trail mix). The post-its are for my new job, and the candle is an awesome white elepahnt gift.

Thanks Katie for making my last day memorable....

Soon, I will post about my new gig!


  1. Damn. That co-worker of yours...what a kick ass human. Quality tasTe in treats, a fan of the great KPilkington n RGervais, the killer yet reverent catholic candle, hilarious ecards with profanities, the list is endless.

    KRISTEN! You little shit. You better be loving, and i mean loVing your new job. Let's face it though, you will never again work with more hip, awesome, n crazy humans (like Kate n I were). with that each day.


    Ha ha ha ha ha

    You rocK!

  2. Everything you said is true.... You really are a kick-ass human, and I'm sure that I will never again work with such super awesome, crazy, unqiue, sweet, angry, hilarious, and entertaining humans. I will just have to live with that. Now I'm depressed.... just kidding. No but really. I miss you girls!
