Like that time you ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere because your gauge was broken, and the time you decided to lock yourself from the inside making me crawl in from the passenger side... Everyday! Oh, and the very first time i drove you to school and we picked up Tasha cause we thought we were so cool, then i stalled you the whole way there. I think my favorite one is when we were trying to leave Garrett's house in Utah and you wouldn't start, so Garrett pushed and I popped you out in second gear. Then while we were driving back i had to roll the window down in below freezing weather to wipe your windseild because you were fogging up so bad. And just when i thought things couldn't get worse we got pulled over for having a headlight out and the friendly cop followed us all the way home. What a night!
Drawing by Natasha Gustin (My talent little sister)
Ya Ya Sisterhood Party
The reenactment of the First Thanksgiving Feast
Thanksgiving Point Gardens
We went during the Tulip Festival
Worlds largest man-made Waterfall
These are just a few of things that Derek and I have gone too. There is always something fun going on at Thanksgiving Point.
I made these slideshows for my parents last Christmas. Just thought it would be fun to share, since a lot of other family members are in them.
Definetly wishing i knew more about making videos. They can be so cool when you actually know what you are doing.
If it were'nt for the tragic way in which we lost Marlon and Stella, I might be tempted to get more duckies this year. But i think the better decision would be to wait until Derek gets me that pond he promised.
As my dad will remember, Santa Barbara is the only place i wanted to go to college. That is right up until a couple months before high school graduation, when i realized that it was much less scary to go with a friend to school. And that is how i ended up in Utah with Natasha.
Needless to say.... we are really hoping for a positive answer from UCSB. We would love to experience life somewhere besides Utah for a while. Plus we would be able to visit my family for a change.